
Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Winter Olympics

Walt : Choose an appropriate app to show your research about the Winter Olympics.

What I did well : I think I did well by summarising all my information.

What I enjoyed : I enjoyed making my front page look like winter.

What I need to work on : I need to work on answering more of the questions and adding more detail. 

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Shrove Tuesday

WALT : Read information to gather facts about what you learned

What I did good : I did good by summarising all of my information and making my own images. Maybe next time I could add more detail
What I enjoyed :  I enjoyed drawing my own pictures.

Onomatopoeia Poem

WALT To use onomatopoeia in poetry

In this poem I think I have done good because I put in some good describing words. Maybe next time I could try and make it rhyme.

Onomatopoeia Poem

Bam, pop, kapow, Bam pop kapow,
I see the sparkly fireworks go bursting in the night sky.

Fizz, whoosh, bang, Fizz whoosh bang,
I hear the loud fireworks go up into the sky.

Bang, sizzle, crackle, Bang sizzle, crackle,
I see lots of people looking up at the beautiful fireworks.
But as I look up there gone away.