
Monday, 25 November 2019

Summer Learning Journey Practice

My Favourite Meal : 

My favourite meal is pepperoni pizza, because it taste delicious. 

Friday, 18 October 2019

Whirling Water Spouts

WALT : Think critically when looking at information at information in different levels.

This week in my reading group mars, we have been reading and learning about water spouts. We have also been watching videos and finding our own recourse about water spouts. If you don't know what water spouts are they are swirling water and wind similar to tornadoes that start from the surface of the water. So all week we were doing work and activities around water spouts, we had to do one digital one which is an iinfographic. In my infographic, I had to include all the information I learnt about water spouts. 

I found it hard finishing it on time, also making it have the right amount of information. Next time, I will work on finishing faster and not hurrying it. I enjoyed reading, looking at pictures and videos of water spouts and what they are. 

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Rot ya teeth

Lately for the past few weeks we have doing work around science, such as learning new vocabulary and doing our own experiments. We first started learning about a scientist called Isaac newton and his laws of gravity. Then we went on the work i groups of three for a balloon race, which is a fair test showing how fast the balloon attached to a string with a straw can travel. In the balloon race we kept track of the time of the balloon while it was traveling across the room. We also also measured the balloon using a tape measure.

After we did some research and a DLO we then went on to create our won experiments in groups which were chosen by Ms Wilton. When we did this group project, we got paired up with people we don't usually work with. Myself, Felix and Lauren all discussed a topic to choose for our science fair test. If you don't know what a fair test is a fair test is an experiment that has all the same factors and a variable that you are able to change.  

My groups fair test was an experiment about how fizzy can rot your teeth; we used cola, cola no sugar, lemonade, and lemonade no sugar. We used eggs to replicate teeth for our experiment, we filled all the drinks into four cups. We first made our own hypothesis, which is a prediction about what was gonna happen with our experiment. To make sure it was a fair test we filled them up to the same amount at the first line of the plastic cup.  We left our eggs to sit in the cups for two days we checked the results, then we put them back in for a week and the results turned out to change a whole new colour and more breakage. We displayed our knowledge in our experiment on a science fair bored which Ms Wilton made, we took about a week to fully design our boards. 

Overall for our experiment the worst fizzy to drink are cola and cola no sugar cause they cause lot's of breakage, as well as rot in your teeth! both the lemonades didn't really have much of a change but the lemonade no sugar had a faint yellow shade along the inside of the shell, while the cola was turning a dark brown on the inside and outside. To show our results we made an observation about the colour and our variable was to change the type of fizzy. 

The hardest thing throughout science for me was to work well with my group, because I think I came across as bossy. I really enjoyed getting to see how our groups fair test came out with good proper results, I am glad we left the eggs in there for a week. I think me and my group did well because we all came together in the end and worked well. 

Friday, 13 September 2019


In Room 6, we have been doing work around our mihi because it was Maori language week.  We had to make a mihi on game froot a site where you can create you own games. I used the mihi maker tutorial to make it.  

Something I need to work on : Finishing it faster
Something I did well : Learning how to use game froot

Schools Should Have A Summer Sports Tournament

In Room 6 we have been doing some persuasive writing, for a couple of weeks we have been doing different types of writing but it all linked to the persuasive topic.  We all had to pick a topic to write about from the class site, I chose "schools should have a summer sports tournament". The reason I chose it was because I think it would be nice for us to have a sports tournament in summer, while the weather is nice and warm.

Something I need to work on : Adding more facts and more information to my writing
Something I did well : Finishing it on time

Schools should have a summer sports tournament

I state that schools should participate in a summer sports tournament, which provides summer sports selection.  Although we have winter sports tournaments, why not have a summer one? the weather is much better.

Schools should have summer sports season, because of all the children can keep fit and healthy.  Sports can teach children many skills such as good sportsmanship, respect, leadership, resilience, as well as teamwork. It can also help them develop a passion and something they love.

In summer there will be exceptional weather, which helps children play better. Children can enjoy themselves because they have the opportunity to partake in a sport of their choice. They can come out of their shell; also make friends. 

Also, children can play baseball, softball, rugby, field hockey, tennis, and swimming. Those are some sports that can be played in summer; children will enjoy them.  This way they can enjoy playing a variety of sports; while keeping healthy.

In conclusion, I justify that a summer sports tournament should be mandatory for schools.  It would improve improvement in obesity rates.


In my reading group mars we have been doing work around volcanoes, we did work around this subject for around a week.  We read lot's of articles, about how volcanoes work and the different parts of them.  

This is my info graphic about volcanoes; it tells you facts and how volcanoes work. It took me long to finish because I had to trace it and put my learning into it. 

Something I need to work on : Finishing faster
Something I did well :  Trace my own pictures

Friday, 23 August 2019

Isaac Newton

Lately in Room 6, we have been learning about a scientist named Sir Isaac Newton.  For the past couple of weeks we have been doing science experiments related to him. We also did lot's of research about him in groups. While doing this work around Isaac newton we all learnt what a fair test is, a fair test is an experiment where you do something in the same position and place and don't change anything. Our goal was to create a slideshow about Issac Newton's laws and explain how a rocket can work in space. Sadly I didn't explain how a rocket can work in space yet.

I did some research on Isaac Newton and watched some videos about the different laws of his such as inertia, acceleration, and force and gravity. Before doing this I didn't know anything about the Isaac Newton's laws of motion, but learnt lot's through research and videos.  

What I did well : Added lot's of information about his laws of motion
What I found challenging : Finishing it on time and understanding the scientific language
Next steps : Adding more information about Issac Newton's life 

Thursday, 1 August 2019


Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together
write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text
use linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect

We had to describe a picture of a man in a dark wood cabin, everyone in room 6 did this writing and we all came up with a different backstory and perspective. Before we started writing, we did some reading about paragraph writing which guided us while we were brainstorming the five scenes. Also while I was writing I tried to use some interesting vocabulary, I used a site called wordhippo.

When I was writing this descriptive text it was hard to come up with a link between the paragraphs so it flows, but in the end I managed to come up with a story line that can flow well between the text. But overall I wrote as the point of view of me watching the man/telling the story and in third person.

Next Steps : Making my sentence structure better and using a bigger variety of sentence types.
What I enjoyed: Getting to express my way of thinking for this picture.
What I found challenging: Finishing my paragraph writing on time.


He hides in a dark abandoned wood cabin with only one room, while he lays uncomfortably in the dirty corner. As the man aches in pain, his fragile bones slowly move to change his position. The man’s blood sweat and tears all drip down, as his lonely thoughts keep him awake. The midnight darkness starts to howl, while a strong gust of wind thrashes towards the window from outside. While the rain starts to leak from the moldy window, he listens to the forest storms. The sound of a car passing gives him a sense of anxiety; assuming that it someone coming to find him.

He staggers over to the window to see a foggy bright vibrant yellow light in the darkness, then the yellow light turns off. He then ducks down from the window; so nobody will see him. his heart starts pounding heavily. Within seconds a tremendous hard-knock bang on the door. He avoids answering the door; but hides in fear. Another hard knock appears across the door then the door burst open, a tall tough man comes inside the dark wooden cabin, he stays hiding in the corner. The tall man shadows over the weak skinny man, he whispers “please I’m innocent it wasn’t me” the tall man replies with “that’s just the way the world works” he drags the weak man out of the cabin and they drive off nowhere to be seen. 

Friday, 26 July 2019

Baring Street

This week in Room 6 the whole class read a story called "Boring Street" the story was based on how a boy named Ryan moved from his old neighborhood into a new street called Baring Street but Ryan named it boring street. After we read the story we did follow up activities about it.

For this activity my goal was to act like you're looking out a window and you recall the most important event of the story. I choose this activity to make it digital, because it sounded very interesting and I like drawing characters on computer better.  It took me a reasonable amount of time to complete this activity, because I had some pieces of already drawn clothes from other drawings I have made. 

In this drawing Ryan and his friends Ze Minh and Heremia were fixing up the old skate park to make their boring neighborhood fun. I think that was the most important event of the story, because it made Ryan change his mind about the neighborhood he called "boring street".

What I found Challenging: Picking the most important event it the story
What I need to work on: Adding some more detail to my drawings
What I enjoyed: Drawing my characters 

Friday, 14 June 2019

The Legend Of Hiawatha

This week in Room 6, I learned about the Legend Of Hiawatha in my reading group mars.  Lately, my group has been reading a chapter book called Indian In The Cupboard, each week we have been doing activities about the chapters. With my Legend Of Hiawatha activity I picked that story to make a DLO about it because it sounded very interesting and it was Hiawatha was known as a peacemaker he wanted it to be peaceful and he united all the tribes of the Iroquois nations to fight the enemy .  I am glad I choose this because I didn't have a clue who Hiawatha was and he was a Nobel man and he was very different from the rest, Hiawatha name also means "he makes rivers".

 Overall it was quite interesting to learn about because now I have some knowledge about Indian history and how they used to fight. 

I really enjoyed this activity, for me, it was enjoyable because it was nice to learn some information about all the Indian Tribes in the Iroquois nations. Also, I found it very challenging, I had to manage my time in completing this work and try my best to finish it to a high standard. Next time I will try and make my work more interesting and add some more detail to it.  For me, it was also hard to locate the tribes in the Iroquois Nations map and show where everything is on the map.

Friday, 7 June 2019


In Room 6 just before Literacy time and after snack we read a book called Dumbo, every day Miss Alice reads it to us as a class. The story is about people and animals in the circus, each character has like a back story.  For Dumbo our WALT is we are learning to make connections between the main ideas in the story, and the world.  Every week after Miss Alice reads us Dumbo we have activities and questions to do about the latest chapters of the story, so far Dumbo has been pretty interesting.

When I do the follow up questions about Dumbo it is hard because I recap the what happened in the story. With the activities I like being creative when I do them, like drawing my own images.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Jesus Ascension

In Room 6 for RE we have been learning about Jesus Ascension. Jesus Ascension is about how he came to Earth after he died and told his Disciples. While he was on Earth he left the Holy Spirit. In my drawing the fire shows the Holy Spirit. The drawing of Jesus in the clouds shows how he ascended into Heaven. The house saying "Gods Kingdom' represents how Jesus house has many rooms for us when we go to Heaven.

What I Did Well - Tracing my drawings
What I need to work on - Finishing faster

Friday, 17 May 2019

Pink Shirt Day

Today on the 17th of May, St. Bernadette's School celebrated Pink Shirt Day. You may be wondering what pink shirt day is, well Pink Shirt Day symbolizes Anti Bullying. Bullying is very bad, because everyone deserves to be treated they way they would like to be treated.  This day is very important because everyone needs to be treated with respect.  Today everyone seems very happy and enjoying there day wearing pink to symbolize anti bullying.

Pink Shirt Day Photos! 

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Character Description of My Mother

Write a Character description
Use ‘show not tell’ in our writing

Lately we have been focusing on writing Character Descriptions. This week in Room 6 we have been creating Character Descriptions about a special Woman in our life. I choose my Mother, because she is the best woman in my life.  In our character descriptions we had to use paragraphs, also each paragraphs symbolizes a different part of my character description.  For example my first paragraph describes my mothers presence. My second one shows her behavior. My third one shows how she treats others. My last one represents who she is. 

What I enjoyed - Writing about my Mother
What I did Well : Finished my work on time 
What I need to work on - Using better vocabulary 


My Mother the day you were born was a blessed day for the world. You have nice dark brown eyes that sparkle; with your classy black glasses.  You have mid-length black hair.  You have a round face with soft angled eyebrows. You have many freckles that go with your symmetrical face. 

You always want the best for everyone and you are very selfless. You like to sing to every song I put on; even if you don’t know it. Your voice hurts my ears, especially when we scream at each other.  You always manage to make me laugh, because you like telling me stories. 

Whenever you walk into a room, you make most peoples face fill with joy.  You always manage to make me smile, even on my worst days. When I don’t do my chores on time you turn into a dragon.  When I clean without being asked, you turn into an angel. You have an amazing talent, you know how to make anyone feel special.

You are as smart as an owl, because you give me many advice. You are always doing things for me and making me smile. You have an unusual personality; that is why I love you. 

Monday, 6 May 2019

Character Descriptions

WALT : Write a Character description
Use ‘show not tell’ in our writing

In Room 6 we have been writing Character Descriptions about Pig the Pug or Trevor the Sausage Dog, based on the book we had to read as a class. I chose Pig the Pug because I thought he was an interesting Character and he reminds me of people. 

What I enjoyed - Writing about Pig the Pug.
What I did Well - Language features.
What I need to work on -  Finishing Faster. 

Pig the Pug - He is an unusual dog he has a squishy face, as well bunched up wrinkles.  When you look at his face you see his a flat nose, because his fur is so thick.  He has tiny bits of food stored in his wrinkled rolls all over his body, which causes him to get infections. His eyes are intimidating because they are so large and he can look two different ways at once. When you look down at his body, he is so chubby and heavy and at an unstable weight with his tiny legs and paws.

He is a selfish no good dog, because he only wants to be the centre of attention. He wants things to be his way, whether it is good or bad. His attitude is nasty, although it matches with his show off behavior.  He is quite a wicked; especially to Trevor his “friend”.  He enjoys taunting Trevor on a daily basis; making his life horrible. Overall he is a manipulative, mean dog and friend. 

Pig the Pug despises people who beat him, when somebody beats him he makes them feel worthless. When others succeed he gets jealous, which causes Trevor to react.  He hates on others to make himself feel good, when Trevor doesn’t react to the hate and ignores it that makes Pig steam up.  Pig teases, shows off, and puts down Trevor every day. 

Pig the Pugs room is filthy and dirty it is a full-on mess. When you enter his squished up trashy room, you see that he has millions of toys but he never shares them. He has numerous outfits all over the scrubby dirty carpet floor.  In his room there are multiple piles of toys and clothes, Pig the Pug likes to stand on the piles and it gets him into a lot of trouble.  Also, there are many stains on his carpet; most of them are pee. 

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Animals At War

In Room 6 we have been doing some interdependent anzac activities. This is my news paper report of how the animals were important in war.
What I enjoyed - Learning about anzac
What I found challenging - Putting the information I read into my own words.
Next time I will - Finish my work faster.

Animals At War

During the war in 1914-1916,  animals were very important in the war. Anzacs in New Zealand and Australia needed animals to carry people.  Do you think it was right for animals to be used in war?

Horses being shipped
There were 10,000 horses used to help the Anzacs in war. About 3% of them died. Also most of them were shipped to other countries. Stock inspectors from the department of agriculture bought most of the 10,000 horses. It cost them £17 but now that would be valued to $2500 dollars to ride horses in 1914. Also they paid £24 for transport horses which is now valued at $3500.

Horse Training
Did you know that horses were sent to training camps? But before they had to go to camps or to different countries they had to go to a remount depot. While they were there they got inspected so that they can be ready for troops work and riding. You may be wondering what did the horses eat and drink?  well the horses were taken three times a day to go out and drink fresh water. Also there were horse hospitails, because there was a very bad disease called strangles which is a bacterial infection of upper respiratory of a horse, it hurts their throat and makes it hard for them to breathe.

A lot of the horses went to German Samoa, in Middle East, Galopilie, and the Western Front, the horses were rode by troops and officers. As well draught and pack horses were used for taking stuff from place to place. Fun fact the most amount of horses carried on one ship was 728, the troops that was made to look after the horses were New Zealand. 3% of the horses died when they were being shipped to other countries, their bodies were thrown off the ship and into the sea. The horses got sick and diseased which illnesses like tona, which causes the feet to be in the shape of a huge sore. Also there was something called colic which is caused by horses kicking each other. 

The horses that were in Samoa worked very hard. They were rode by troops and officers, also the horses had to pull vehicles like trucks, waggons, and a meat van. As well there was indian mule carts, they were pushed by two mules. Donkeys and mules were used to take stuff like water and ammunition, because they could handle not having water and sleep for a long time.

So overall animals had a very hard time during the years of 1914-1916 in the war. They were a very import addition to the war animals helped us with war and peace.

Save South Sudan

WALT - Recognise the impact of a drought and famine on families and communities and describe what happened in South Sudan during the famine in 2017.

In Room 6 lately we have been learning about the people in South Sudan. Also we learnt that they are suffering drought and famine which means they have no food. I worked with Nika to join our two articles together. 
What I found hard : Finishing my work .
What I enjoyed : Working with a buddy.
Next time I will : Be more focused on my work.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Against the Wind

WALT- Identify complex themes and ideas in texts.

This week in reading my group read a story about how a young girl named Ai Mei who lived her whole life in China with her Grandfather and now she has to leave to New Zealand. She and her Grandfather like kites and they make them. Her and and her grandfather have been together since the day she was born. Her grandfather was sad to let her go. But she goes to New Zealand and she starts to feel homesick because everything is different. She finds it hard to understand because the teachers talk very fast also the rice doesn't taste the same like how it taste in china.

What I found Challenging - Making my character web
What I Enjoyed -  Drawing my poster and adding detail 
What I need to work on - Making my work stand out more

Copy Cat

WALT - Identify complex themes and ideas in texts.

Last week in my reading group we were reading a book called COPYCAT, for me it was an unusual interesting book.

The book was about two friends who are both good at working with computers, then they get a special message from COPYCAT. They open the message without being sure and then a door appears, they go through the door and enter into a game. They try to play  the game with a joystick but then they lose each other and they both thought each other got deleted. But then they find each other and escape the game. But the main message was to be careful online and to always be sure.

What I found Challenging - Managing my time
What I Enjoyed -  Drawing my own pictures
What I need to work on - Finishing faster

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Personal Sin

WALT - Explain what is meant by personal sin
This Term in Room 6 we have been learning about personal sin. The task was to make a DLO of examples of personal sin. I found it challenging finishing on time. I enjoyed drawing. Next time I will add more detail.  

Thursday, 28 March 2019

The Miracle Pug

In Room 6 we have been writing news paper reports about Pig the Pug, which is a book we read. What I found challenging was using first person language. What I enjoyed was writing
my own take on the Pig the Pug book. Next time I will make my writing more exciting. When I wrote this news paper article on Pig the Pug I took the perspective on what happened during the accident.

The Miracle Pug On Tuesday, March 26th, 2019 Pig the Pug fell off the 10th story of an apartment building in NYC. It’s a miracle he survived. Pig the Pug was just playing with his so-called friend Trevor's the sausage dog toys and he made a pile and he stood on top of it, the pile was unsteady and somehow the window was left open and Pig the Pug fell out of it. Trevor happens to be there when Pig fell out of the window while they were fighting. Did Pig the Pug fall or was he pushed? Trevor But not all the facts meet the eye. Allegedly at the scene of the tragic accident Pig, the Pug quotes “I was fighting with Trevor my ex-friend before I fell”. Trevor witnessed Pig the Pug so-called falling out of the window. Trevor says that “Pug was being nasty and he stole all my toys and made a pile and fell off it because he was too heavy”.

So we think that Pig the Pug was pushed out of the window by Trevor because of his behavior. When Pig the Pug was rushed to the hospital by an ambulance he said “Trevor pushed me out the window in a cruel nasty way” in a shriveled up voice. But Trevor said that “ Pig is a selfish Pug and it was just karma that he fell out of the window, I had nothing to do with it”.Also, Trevor was banned from visiting Pig the Pug at the hospital because he was angry screaming “I’m innocent I tell ya, I’m innocent” It is miracle Pig the Pug survived that impossible fall, for now, he is known as the miracle pug. Image from - Link Pig the Pug Right now Pig the Pug is still in pain with 20 broken bones. Now there is an ongoing court case with Trevor and Pig the Pug. While in hospital Pig said that “ Trevor is a liar and that he deserves everything he gets”. Trevor and Pig the Pug had a toxic friendship for years now, could this have been Trevor's revenge? But the main question is will Trevor plead guilty or will he be innocent?. We will just have to wait, hope Trevor has a good lawyer.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Once Bitten

WALT - Identify complex themes and ideas in texts.

These are my activities for the week I have completed. My task was to complete three follow up activities from the text I read. I worked really hard on these but the thing I found most challenging was managing my time. Next time I will finish it on time and earlier.

In my group we read a story about how a boy learnt a life lesson. In the book a boy went to a cafe to spend his paper run money then he sees a biggie, he starts to feel uncomfortable. Then he gets his food and doesn't look where he is going and ends up sitting next to him. Then he puts his food on the table and thinks that the biggie is eating his food, he then gets angry and moody and starts to eat his food. The biggie carries on eating and the boy gets more and more aggressive. Next the boy leaves to the bus stop and finds his food in his pocket. He feels a bit embarrassed and then thinks about what just happened. So the lesson was don't judge a book by its cover.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Save Sherpas

In my reading group we read a story about Sir Edmund Hillary who was the first person to climb Mt Everest. The book was telling a story about all the hospitals and schools he build for the Sherpa's, he built over 37 shelters for Sherpa's. I had to design a poster for more volunteer to help build shelters, schools and hospitals for Sherpa's.

Where is the Love?

In Room 6 we have been researching about South Sudan and the conflict that is happening there. Also we have been learning about how Caritas has been helping them and how we can help. I made a graffiti art showing the conflict that is happening in South Sudan I think that my art brings a good message. The message I wanted to get through was stop the war and have peace because where is the love in South Sudan there is only war.  

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Holy Spirit flow chart

WALT - Recognize that Te Atua acts as one in the world creating, redeeming and sanctifying.

In Room 6 I have learnt about God is a mystery. I made a flow chart representing the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit in action today. It shows how the three persons relate to the same thing which I choose the ocean which is part of creation which God made. 

Thrashing Thunder

Writing to describe 
WALT : Use a range of figurative language to describe a moment in time. 

Thrashing Thunder

It was very dark but the lightning kept the sky bright. The lightning in the sky was as bright as the sun. The lightning and thunder struck in the sky and it looked like an electrical hazard. Lightning  was dancing in the sky.  The thrilling twisted thunder thrashed in the sky.

In the sky the lightning and thunder was as loud as a Lions roar. The air smelt like damp rain, as well as cold air. The air was freezing, while the thunder and lightning struck. The lightning struck a million times.  The clouds in the sky were forming as one, as the lightning kept on appearing. 

The lightning was crashing and bucketing down in the midnight sky. The thunders thrashing threaded through the sky. The damp air felt like a cold winter's day on your face. The lightning was as fresh as a daisy when it came from the sky.

 As a result of all the thunder crashing down from the dark night sky it stopped like a flash. The thunder and lightning was going on forever, then it was over in less than a second. 

Friday, 8 March 2019

Student Agreement

This is my DLO of the contract we signed the Student Agreement.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Interesting Internet Research

WALT - Use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.

When I made this DLO I enjoyed adding in my own pictures and making a quiz.
What I found challenging was trying to finish my DLO on time.
I think that my next steps are to finish my work on time and at a higher standard.
Next time I will add more questions to my quiz, also make my work more exciting.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Grass Water Spider

WALT - Use deep 5 to unpack the text
 In my reading group we were reading a story called Walking on Water-the Grass Water Spider. We had to do three comprehension activities and I chose the one to explain how to Grass Water Spider can walk on water.

The Grass Water Spider is able to walk on water, because it capture bubbles of air with the tiny hair on its body.  When the spider does that it can glide along the grass in the water, they can stay there for about an hour.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Waitangi Day Landwars

WALT: Explore how the changes in the Treaty of Waitangi can have different consequences. Explain when and why the New Zealand land wars occurred.  

When creating my DLO I enjoyed learning new knowledge on the Treaty of Waitangi. 
Next time I will add more pictures and make my DLO more interesting.
Something I did well was put in lots of information.
Something I found challenging was putting the information from the articles I read into my own words.